Tuesday 12 February 2008

Foolish Things

The row about Rowan Williams, the Arch Bishop of Canterbury still rumbles on. I can't believe what he said about the Sharia law. If we adopt some of Sharia law to accomodate the muslims, should we adopt some of Polish law for the Poles, Indian law for the Hindus and Sikhs, Somali law for the Somali's. The Scots who live in England abide by English law, not Scottish law. I think the Arch Bishop should stick to things concerning the Anglican faith, and keep his nose out of politics, thats why we have a Parliament. There are some things about Sharia Law that may be good, habitual thieves having a hand removed, beatings for criminals. It might stop some of the yobbery and crime we have.

Amy Winehouse had a successful Grammies. Its a shame, she is such a talent singer, but her lifestyle and those around her who profess to be her friends have let her down somewhat. At the end of the day it is all her fault, nobody made her use chemical substances, that was all her own choice. Well done to the US authorities who refused her a visa to enter the USA. We should be more stringent with who we let into our country.

The Heather Mills McCartney and Paul McCartney divorce sails on, with the media circus following its every move. There seems to be an element of greed creeping into the proceedings, with one party thinking they are worth more than they really are. I seem to think the money in that marraige had been earned prior to the wedding by one party, and most of the earnings since were royalties from previous work, so the marriage didn't improve the finances at all. Still one of our eminent judges will decide.

Today is a lovely crisp frost day again. Yesterday I managed to dig over some of my vegetable patch. Today I will do abit more.

Monday 11 February 2008

News etc

Barack Obama took the state of Maine, so the race with Hilary Clinton has closed even further. The next few states will be interesting.

Manchester United and Manchester City played their local derby yesterday, and it was really nice to see both sets of fans respect the minutes silence for the dead of Munich in 1958. The result of the game didn't really matter, it was the respect shown that did. It did show that there are alot of decent football fans, and a bit of good helps make up for the bad `fans' there are. So well done both teams and supporters.

Well today is lovely. Its a cool crisp morning with low lying fog, and some sunshine. There is a bit of frost on the ground. I think today I will start and prepare my vegetable patch.

Tonight is the meeting of the Shelley Community Association. It is the local village meeting, where various views and opinions are aired, and helps to make life in our village run smoothly.

Our son Jordan has moved into his new accomodation with Yuriko, they now live in Hendon, London. I spent 15 weeks very near to his home when I started in the Police in 1976. That seems a long time ago.

Friday 8 February 2008

Catch Up

Its been a while since I last wrote.

In the USA the Presidential fight is hotting up. Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton appear neck and neck, so the next week or two will be interesting. John Mccain seems to have it for the Republicans. It seems our media in the UK are giving more coverage to the USA elections than to our own elections when they come about.

The Bank of England has cut the UK base rate by .25%. That should help the markets slightly. Savers wont be happy though.

Sir Ronnie Flanagan, HMI of Constabulary has said there is too much paper work in the Police. Yes he is right, its only what people have been saying for years. When I joined the police in 1976 I would go out on patrol with just a pocket book, a pad of HO/RT/1s (traffic document producers), a pad of fixed penalty tickets, some accident books, and some summons books, all in my pocket. A simple file for drunk, or shoplifting, etc would be about 5 sheets of paper plus statements, and could be completed quite quickly. Now, or when I retired, there were forms for everything to carry, so I had to be issued with a bag to attach to my belt to take all these. Then back in the station what used to be a simple file takes hours, with about 20 forms, plus statements,plus trips to the CPS lawyer, fingerprints, photos, DNA, etc etc. I'm so glad I retired from it all, and so are most of my ex colleagues who have left. The Home Office really ought to get a grip of this paperwork, and they will find they have enough Police Officers to patrol the streets, and be able to get rid of alot of the PCSO's, thereby saving money. End of gripe.

England won at fottball on Wednesday night. A good result of Fabio Capello. There were some good displays by Wayne Rooney, Steven Gerrard, Jermaine Jenas, and others. It justified leaving out Beckham, Micheal Owen and some others. Beckham should not be picked, as Capello is building for the next tournament. If a player is not match fit, then he should not play, regardless of whether he is on 99 caps or 9. The team should be picked on merit, not sentimentality.