Friday, 4 January 2008

The New Year

Happy New Year everybody.

I spent New Years Eve at a prty in shelley Village Hall with my wife, mother in law , her partner and about 80 other villagers. A good time was had by all.

The news from kenya is still not good with over 300 dead, and the military and police on the streets in force.

In the US, I see the Iowa caucus went ahead. Barack Obama won the Iowa Democrat nomination with Hilary Clinton in third, and Mike Huckabee getting the Republican nomination. There is still along way to go, but I think the Democratic result was a bit of suprise to some.

Alot of Hospitals in the UK have closed wards due to a sickness bug going the rounds. Nearly 100 wards have been closed.

Britney Spears has been taken away on a stretcher after police were called to her home following a child custody arguement. How the mighty fall (or think they are mighty). its about time she got herself back on track.

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