Tuesday, 18 December 2007

More Data Lost etc

Oh dear, another Government agency has done it again. The DVLA has lost 3 million records on disc in Iowa. What on earth were they doing in Iowa? There should be a Ministry of Incompetence, mind you it will need loads of staff. That will reduce unemployment. It may even find jobs for the 165,000 asylum seekers who may be given an amnesty to stay!!!!!

The Government Home Affairs dept has advised the Home Office to give the Police their pay rise in full, but the Home Secretary says no. Upon her head be it. I'm sure she, and her fellow MP's will for go their rise when it is due, and keep below the Government figures, and pigs might fly.

England have made a steady start in the Test match. Lets hope tomorrow will see Sri Lanka out cheaply, and England bat well.

It looks like the two murders in West Yorkshire may be detected, two charged and at court in Dewsbury, and one in custody in Huddersfield for the Holmfirth murder.

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