Thursday, 13 December 2007

PM, parties, and views

The last two days have produced a drawn test match. I think Sri Lanka outplayed us. Nuf said.

England have a new football coach.. This time an Italian. It seems that English football suffers with too many foreign players, and coaches. I think the top six clubs all have foreign coaches (I include Scotland is foreign for this purpose).

Gordon Brown did an amazing disappearing act. He arranged a meeting after the date had been set for signing the European treaty, and was not there for the signing in Portugal, sending a boy to do the mans job. Why didn't Brown go? Does he not agree with the treaty? Was he worried he has sold us down the river to Brussels? Is he ashamed at back tracking on a referendum? Was he scared to append his name to it? Or was he just showing bad manners to the other European heads?

Poor old Jacqui Smith the Home Secretary, another debacle, this time with figures of persons given permits to work in the security industry, even though they should not have been in the country. The words in a brewery, a p**s-up, organise, couldn't, spring to mind.

Went to a good Xmas party with my wifes colleagues from Dewsbury Ambulance station last night to Leeds Royal Armouries. An excellent venue, good DJ, brilliant night.

Today is my dad's birthday. He is called Owen and lives in Guernsey, where I come from initially. He too was a police officer before he retired. Runs in the family. Work for me at the estate agents was pretty quiet, so I delivered leaflets. And thats it for today.

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