Sunday 23 December 2007

Greed and Holiday Misery

Well, amazing isn't it. The Government rfefusess to give the Police their full pay award, but yet the greedy MP's are wanting their full inlation busting pay recommendation. It looks like one rule for one, and another rule for the others. It's not just Labour party MP's either, the Conservatives seem to be just as bad. MP John Butterfill stated the MP's have an official review body, and he hopes the Government will agree with the Review bodies recommendations. I bet he does. Lets face it MP's get a good salary, alot of expenses, including help with buying a second home (to sell at a profit later), long holidays, and a pension second to none. I hope Gordon Brown applies the same rules to these spoilt, privileged few.

I feel sorry for those poor people whose Xmas holiday plans have gone up in smoke. A travel firm has collapsed, and ceased business. The company Travelscope, employs over 200 people who have lost their jobs. Not the best of times.

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